This course demonstrates the advanced vision mixing features available in TriCaster. Concepts such as M/E operation, chroma keying, macros, automation and other advanced features aspects are discussed. Functionally is initially shown using the user interface, keyboard and mouse, followed by control panel operation. Read more

NDI® stands for Network Device Interface, and it is a free software-based standard for media over Internet Protocol (IP). This course provides and introduction and overview of NDI technology. The purpose of the course is to gain a basic understanding of what NDI is, how it is different, what advantages it provides and how it works. Read more

Viz Artistのイントロダクションコースでメディア業界向けのNo.1リアルタイムデザインツールの基本を学びます。 このコースは、Viz Artistの経験がほとんど、またはまったくない方を対象としています。このコースでは、典型的な放送用グラフィックであるローワーサードを作成します。これにより、コンテンツのインポート、デザイン、アニメーション、およびテンプレートとなるシーンの準備 について学ぶことができます。 Read more

In this course, learn about how to setup and perform live production in the cloud, deployed by Viz Now. Class content focuses on TriCaster Vectar, but topics apply to many other applications available by Viz Now. Class Version - June 2023 Read more

This course aims to provide learners with an introduction to TV production. The case study is from TV2 Norway which explains their news production workflow, and how Vizrt's line of products fit their workflow. To complete the course read through the terminology presentation before taking the quiz. Set aside one hour to complete the course. Read more
This course takes a look at what is involved when building and using a virtual set. The course examines the many uses for virtual sets, the differences between a virtual set and augmented reality graphics, the components and studio requirements, how a presenter interacts with a virtual set, and why more companies are choosing virtual set studios. Read more
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