Become a Certified Viz Trio Operator!
The Viz Trio Operation Exam was developed to meet broadcasters' requirements for highly skilled character generator (CG) operators. Hence, this exam will test your competency in the software's core functions, including editing shows, creating playlists and scrollers, and using templates for creating data elements.
A result with a passing grade of 80% or higher will confirm that you can operate Viz Trio. This also demonstrates an understanding of the Viz Trio operator’s role in relation to other integrated systems used for content creation, output and graphic design.
The test will be 50 questions randomly chosen from a pool of multiple-choice questions. You have 3 attempts to pass. There is a 90-minute time limit to complete this exam. The exam does have to be completed in one session. If you leave the exam, it will be closed and you will need to restart a new exam.
When you enroll, you will have 30 days to complete this exam.
Exam Version - December 2022
The exam requires knowledge in the following areas:
- User Interface
- Templates and Pages
- Concepts and Variants
- Page Views and Groups
- Playout
- Shortcuts and Macros
- Show Control
- Transition Logic
- Datacenter
To pass this exam you should have a high level of understanding of how to operate Viz Trio.
Related Courses:
- Viz Trio Operation
- Datacenter Setup and Administration
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Training Diploma
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